frequently asked questions


laser hair removal

  • It is a very comfortable warm temperature throughout with a random prickling sensation, so virtually painless.

  • The hairs that I capture/kill with the laser wont ever grow back. However, our bodies go through changes and some factors can cause new hair growth in new follicles.

  • It varies from person to person, the average amount of sessions is between 6-12 because it is impossible to identify where you are within your hair cycle.

  • You must only shave between your sessions not wax, pluck or epilate. The root cannot be removed prior to (4weeks before) or throughout your treatments.

  • Results usually show in as little as 10-14 days, again this can vary due to several factors.

  • You can have sessions 4-6 weeks apart, no sooner. This also makes it more affordable!

  • They can take between 10 minutes to 1 hour depending on the area and how many areas on each appointment. This will be clarified on your consultation.

  • You cannot have laser where tattoos are, if they are small enough then we can cover them and go around them, same with any moles that have a dark pigment to them.

  • Unfortunately no laser treatments can be carried out whilst pregnant. You must have finished breast feeding.

laser tattoo removal

  • Depending on where on the body we are removing ink from you may feel some discomfort. It is a very quick and safe treatment.

  • Each person is different and it can depend on many factors. Your body will continue to break down the ink weeks after treatment so it is always a unique journey. The average is between 1-6. Again, this is a guide.

  • You tattoo needs to be totally settled and healed. Minimum 12 months. I understand it can be hard feeling stuck with something you so desperately want removing but safety is paramount. Skin must be 30 days free from an active tan prior to and after your session.

  • Depending on whether numbing cream is applied and the size of tattoo, anywhere between 10 minutes to 1 hour.

  • I never like to say 100% as you can never be that sure. I aim for over 90%, again this can be due to many factors, a few being the age of the ink, the quality of the application or the damage caused (if any).

  • Unfortunately no laser treatments can be carried out whilst pregnant. You must have finished breast feeding.

  • Every 6 weeks, no sooner.

  • Some are instant, some show through after a few days!

  • Nothing for the following 48hrs to let the skin calm down, do not apply any product to the area. Brows can be waxed/tinted 4+ days after although ask after your session in case bleeding occurs. No sunbeds for 30 days before or after.

  • Yes however it is more difficult to shatter the ink so may need more sessions than normal. You will be informed of this on consultation.

  • Yes absolutely. This is why you will be sent a medical form to complete prior to attending an appointment, you must declare all current medication including any in the last 6 months

  • You must wait 8 weeks minimum to have fresh ink over your laser area.

  • You must wait 8-12 weeks since your last removal elsewhere, depending on how your skin is.


  • Wax and tint is advised no earlier than every 4 weeks, however most of my clients are on 6 week appointments. This ties well between lamination too which is every 12 weeks.

  • It is compulsory before booking lamination, however if you have had tint before it is optional for a wax and tint alone. (Please note patch tests are not accurate but are carried out for Insurance purposes).

  • I ask all make up to be removed to attend your appt and advise that no make up is applied until the following day. Lamination is no wetting, dressing or touching the brows for 24hrs minimum.

  • I advise new clients to wait 4 weeks before booking so that your brows have had chance to grow and complete a cycle. This then gives me the best start on getting to know how your brows grow for optimal results. If you haven’t touched them then as soon as you’re ready.

  • You can have a wax and tint or lamination during pregnancy but only after your first trimester and a new patch test since becoming pregnant.

SkinPen Microneedling

  • It’s comfortable although numbing cream is applied to the face.

  • Every 4-6 weeks depending on your age.

  • It’s very rare for the skin to bleed and if it does, it’s like pin prick speckles, nothing drastic. You will be very red for the following 12-24hrs so giving yourself downtime is crucial.

  • It depends person to person, 3 is advised for optimal results. Sometimes 6 is required if its for stretch marks, pitted acne scarring or deep wrinkles.

  • Unfortunately Microneedling cannot be carried out whilst pregnant. You must have finished breast feeding.

Deluxe Dermaplaning

  • Every 4-6 weeks is recommended, it depends on what I remove to how soon I think you need it doing.

  • Not at all, the blackhead extraction can be uncomfortable because its pressure to the nose but that is all.

  • You can have this done whilst pregnant but only after your first trimester.

  • I offer the basic version which is simply the scalpel on the face to remove the dead skin, no add ons. Can be found on the booking site. Price is £35